Pertukaran Uang
Stasiun Nagano
Mesin pertukaran uang otomatis terdapat di Nagano City Tourist Information Center. Menerima mata uang U.S. Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), British Pound, Chinese Yuan (CNY), Korean Won, dll, dengan penjelasan dalam bahasa Inggris, Chinese dan Korea. Maksimal 100,000 yen per transaksi. Jam buka 9:00-18:00 sepanjang tahun (mungkin akan ditutup pada Tahun Baru).

Samurai Exchange near Matsumoto Station offers money exchange and bitcoin exchange. Accepted currencies include U.S. Dollar (USD), Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), Euro (EUR), New Taiwan Dollar (TWD), Chinese Yuan (CNY), Singapore Dollar (SGD), Korean Won (KRW), Australian Dollar (AUD), Thai Baht (THB), Canadian Dollar (CAD), British Pound (GBP), and Philippine Peso (PHP).
- Hours: 11:00 – 22:00
- Location: Google Maps here
- Exchange website (Japanese with machine translation feature)
Onsen Nozawa
Tempat pertukaran uang di 2 lokasi, Nagasaka Gondola dan Nozawa Onsen Tourist Information Center. Menerima mata uang U.S. Dollar (USD), Australian Dollar (AUD), Euro (EUR), Singapore Dollar (SGD), Chinese Yuan (CNY), New Taiwan Dollar (TWD), jam buka 8:30-17:00 sepanjang tahun. Diperlukan Paspor.