Teras Daimon


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Near the southern approach to Nagano City’s Zenkoji Temple is a collection of earthen-walled storehouses. The ‘kura’ as they are known in Japanese, were relocated here from various locations and today house an eclectic variety of businesses in a stylish mall called Patio Daimon. You will find everything from shops specializing in local Nagano foods such as kanten (agar) and oyaki dumplings grilled over coals, to a night club with a full set of instruments for impromptu jam sessions with the owner. Chic restaurants, art galleries and an interior design store round out the mix.
With its assortment of quintessential Nagano-esque products and experiences, Patio Daimon is a popular stop for visitors making a pilgrimage to Nagano’s famous temple, Zenkoji.

Lokasi 54, Daimoncho, Kota Nagano Map
TEL 026-267-5323
URL http://patio-daimon.com/ (Japanese)
Jam buka Hours vary by business
Tanggal buka Food, beer, sake, art, etc. events held periodically throughout the year.

Access and Parking


Dengan Kereta:7 menit Gururin-go bus dari Stasiun Nagano (Hokuriku Shinkansen)
Dengan Mobil:10 km / 25 menit dari Nagano IC


Toko Khusus


Makanan Jepang

Toko Cendera Mata


Makanan Barat

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