Walk the Samurai Trail to Narai of a Thousand Houses
Go back in time by walking the Nakasendo Road from Yabuhara over the Torii Pass to Narai, one of the best-preserved sections of this famous trail samurai used for traveling between Edo (old Tokyo) and Kyoto
Nagano’s Quiet Samurai Town
Matsushiro castle in spring
48 Hours in Nagano City
Take a two-day trip around Nagano City to see beautiful temples, shrines, and the famous snow monkeys of Jigokudani!
Craft Town Matsumoto, From Folk to Contemporary
More than just a castle, Matsumoto has a vibrant craft scene with a strong legacy
Nakamise – The Shop-Filled Approach to Zenkoji Temple
From Buddhist Souvenirs to Eclectic Antiques, and with All Kinds of Eateries In-between, Zenkoji Temple’s Naka-mise is a Shopper’s Paradise.
Beautiful wooden buildings and relaxing hot springs are just a part of Yamanouchi’s charm.
Zenkoji Gokaicho
Zenkoji Temple's main image is the Amida Golden Tr...
Mizuhiki Making
Mizuhiki is a traditional Iida-area paper cord art craf...
Festival Api Nozawa
Satu diantara 3 Festival Api paling terkenal di Jepang, ...
Mewarnai Sutra (Museum Sutra Komagane)
Didedikasikan untuk menghormati akar budaya ulat sutr...
Acara Teh Outdoor (Sarukura Spring)
Sumber air Sarukura mengalir dari Gunung Kazakoshi pad...
Mizuhiki Paper Cord Art (kerajinan dari kertas)
Sebuah kerajinan tradisional di daerah Iida, Mizuhiki ...
Toyama-go Shimotsuki Festival
In the southern tip of Nagano, you will find Toyama-go. O...
Kapel Peninggalan Shaw (Kapel di Karuizawa)
Alexander Croft Shaw House and Memorial Chapel are test...
Museum Hokusai
Baru selesai direnovasi pada tahun 2015, Museum Hokusa...
Tsumugi Weaving
Ueda Tsumugi is a traditional woven silk fabric popular ...
Zazen Meditation
Choshozenji Temple in a rural area of Ueda City has a hist...
Ueda Tsumugi Fabric
Ueda Tsumugi is a traditional woven silk fabric that was ...
Membuat Kartupos Kota Uchiyama dari Kertas Jepang (Tempat Pembuatan Kerajinan Tangan Lokal di Kota Iiyama)
Washi (kertas tradisional jepang) terbuat dari serat k...
Zazen Meditation and Sutra Copying at Zenkoji’s Daikanjin Temple
At Daikanjin Temple, one of the two temples that overseer...
Uchiyama Paper
Made exclusively from paper mulberry bark, Uchiyama ha...
Vihara Ganshoin
Terletak 2 km dari Stasiun Obuse, Vihara Ganshoin menam...