Alps Art Triennale in Omachi City
Omachi City’s Japan Alps Art Festival is held every 3 years and showcases the region’s rich heritage.
Craft Town Matsumoto, From Folk to Contemporary
More than just a castle, Matsumoto has a vibrant craft scene with a strong legacy
Mizuhiki Making
Mizuhiki is a traditional Iida-area paper cord art craf...
Mizuhiki Paper Cord Art (kerajinan dari kertas)
Sebuah kerajinan tradisional di daerah Iida, Mizuhiki ...
Museum Boneka Kawamoto Kihachiro Kota Iida
Iida’s 300 year history of bunraku puppetry has earned i...
Festival Boneka Iida
All of Iida City becomes host and stage of the biggest pup...
Museum Hokusai
Baru selesai direnovasi pada tahun 2015, Museum Hokusa...
Tsumugi Weaving
Ueda Tsumugi is a traditional woven silk fabric popular ...
Ueda Tsumugi Fabric
Ueda Tsumugi is a traditional woven silk fabric that was ...
Membuat Kartupos Kota Uchiyama dari Kertas Jepang (Tempat Pembuatan Kerajinan Tangan Lokal di Kota Iiyama)
Washi (kertas tradisional jepang) terbuat dari serat k...
Uchiyama Paper
Made exclusively from paper mulberry bark, Uchiyama ha...
Matsumoto Temari Handballs
DescriptionMatsumoto’s most well-known folk craft: c...
Wear a Kimono or Ninja Costume (Matsumoto)
DescriptionHanakomichi is the place where you can rent ...
Glass Blowing (Azumino Glass Studio)
DescriptionAzumino, known for its pristine waters and ...
Kerajinan Bola Tangan Matsumoto 'Temari' (Toko oleh-oleh Takagi)
Di keindahan Kota Kastil Matsumoto, lebih dari 200 tahu...
Pembuatan Jam Tangan (Museum Jam Gishodo Suwako)
Dengan harapan berbagi keterampilan membuat jam dari d...
Kiso Lacquer Ware Making (Kiso Kurashi no Kougeikan)
Kiso Urushi (Lacquer Ware) is an officially recognized ...
Jalur Kastanye Obuse
A quaint path made of blocks of chestnut wood in the cente...